As a registered charity, STEM Wana trust relies on the support from generous funders to ensure that we can put on the biggest (and best) STEM Festival in the Southern Hemisphere.
This year STEMFest is one of 15 Te Moananui ā Toi events that have received funding from the Regional Events Fund. This Fund is being overseen by Tourism Bay of Plenty.
We also recently applied to the newly created Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund which is a collaboration between Acorn Foundation, Bay Trust, Tauranga City Council, TECT Community Trust and Western Bay of Plenty District Council. Their goal is to provide a streamlined approach to the support of community events taking place in the region. The fund provides financial support to events that are community-led, deliver positive social and economic outcomes, and enrich our communities.
We’re grateful to have the support of both these funds and excited to be contributing to making the Bay of Plenty THE STEM destination for Aotearoa – New Zealand.