Team STEMFest invited some of our sponsors and supporters to our STEM HQ at Babbage Space in Basestation to officially launch STEMFest 2023!
It was great to see so many guests attend with their children and get the low-down on some of the exciting things we already have in place for this year’s event on Sunday 1st October.
We had activities involving robots from our friends at Tauranga City Library, large volcano demo with the lovely team at House of Science, and an opportunity to look at the Moon and Venus with our friend David from Tauranga Astronomical Society. We can’t thank them enough coming along and providing such fun activities for our guests.
Photography kindly provided by: Amit Kamble
Nathan updated everyone on our general ticket release and confirmed that we have already issued nearly 4000 since going live over a week ago! Wow.
Other exciting things relating to this year includes; extending the outdoor space to Durham Lane; more new content and activities involving robotics; reaching out to national partners to grow our event beyond the region; a potential dedicated stage area for times shows and large scale demonstrations.
We were also officially introduced to our new STEMFest Ambassador Renée Young, Associate Mechanical Engineer with Beca and a passionate advocate for being a positive role model for STEM. We’re so excited to have Renée join our team and she’s going to be getting involved in our social media campaigns and sharing updates as we build up to the big day, so keep an eye out for that!

Finally we want to thank and acknowledge our returning Headline Manawa Energy for their support and funding partners Tourism Bay of Plenty and TECT along with our other sponsors who ensure that STEMFest is free to attend and available to everyone.
As always, there are many volunteers involved in helping us put our events on, working behind the scenes to make it all look seamless. Thank you to our STEM whānau for your help!
The Board of STEM Wana Trust and the team are excited to deliver on another world-class event for our community and we can’t wait to see you at STEMFest on Sunday 1st October 2023. Tickets are now available – don’t miss out!